How easily track your current Friends or Family location using Google Map
Tracking the Friends and Family location is very simple just need Google Map and internet connectivity.
Google Map is the most popular and default application on every Android smartphone (For iPhone & IPAD users need to download Google Map). So without wasting time let’s see the step by step.
Google Map provides the free Location sharing feature with 3 simple steps–
1) Open Google Map Application. Click ≡ this menu button. Then left sidebar open click the Location Sharing option.
2) New small pop up window open Click the Get Started.
3) The new window shows 2 options
- The first option to adjust the time: You control how much time you share your location. You can edit the time whatever you want by clicking ” + ” or ” – ” button.
- The second option is to share your location information with your loved ones just click to any messaging app
eg. If you want to share your location information through Whatsapp then click the More and select Whatsapp. After select, any person with you shares your location.
4) One who click your sharing link then Google Map application open and show your current location also shows
- How much you away from your loved ones.
- When you share your location.
- How much your mobile battery.
- Also, your loved ones can share her location with you just sliding bottom button.