WordPress Footer

How To Remove the Footer Text in the Astra Theme ?

This article shows you how to remove WordPress footer credit text ( Proudly powered by WordPress ) and Astra Theme credit text (Powered by Astra WordPress Theme).

First, we discuss Is it legal to remove WordPress footer credit links?

Yes, WordPress CMS is free and it is under the GPL license.

GPL (General Public License) is free to use, modify, and even redistribute WordPress. So every WordPress plugin and theme are free to use and modify under GPL licence.

So you can have legal right to remove credit links from WordPress footer.

In this article I show you 2 methods, remove footer credit –

Method 1 – Using CSS

  • Go to WordPress customize option (Appearance -> Customize)
  • Click Additional CSS add below css code
  • Click Publish button
.ast-footer-copyright p 

Method 2 – Change footer.php

Before editing php file make sure you take backed up

  • Go to Appearance -> Theme Editor
  • Open components.php (template-parts/footer/builder/components.php) PHP file
  • Remove line number 24 or comment code

Comment or delete this line

How To Remove the Footer Text in the Astra Theme
<?php /*do_action( 'astra_footer_copyright' );*/ ?>

If you have any difficulty drop comment.