
How to remove the URL and Date from the printing page on Chrome and other Browsers?

It is very simple just you need to disable Header and Footer option on Print Page

Follow two simple step

Step 1
When you see the Print page then go to the More option

How to remove the URL and Date from the printing page on Chrome and other Browsers

Step 2
Uncheck Header and Footer option

See the Print page result on the right side and you see your URL and Date remove

How to remove URL when printing web page CSS?

When you print anything Brower add header and footer so the result is so seen Date and URL on header and footer of the page.

For remove URL you need to disable Header and Footer option on Print Page
Go -> More option
Uncheck -> Header and Footer option

How to remove URL from printing page using jquery?

The browser by default add URL and Date on Header and Footer, To remove URL from printing page you need to disable Header and Footer

For remove URL you need to disable Header and Footer option on Print Page instead of writing jquery code
Go -> More option
Uncheck -> Header and Footer option

Javascript print() without URL and date Header and Footer?

Same answer Browser by default add URL in header and footer, so you need to disable Header and Footer option in Printing page. For this see the above two simple step

Print web page without links Chrome?

Chrome and other browsers by default add URL in the bottom of the page so you need to manually uncheck Header and Footer option.

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